We provide individualized direct and consultation services to adults within the places they live, socialize, work and engages. Our services begin with a comprehensive assessment by a Speech-Language Pathologist and/or an Occupational Therapist to identify strengths, needs and considerations to develop and expand skills to enable an individual to participate and contribute in all activities, with all the people in their lives This means success at work, at the the grocery store and at home.

Speech-Language Pathology
Speech-Language Pathologist are healthcare professionals that work to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social communication, cognitive-communication, and swallowing disorders. The clinicians at Britteny Asher Consulting use this expertise to identify and eliminate potential barriers to gaining and maintaining successful community based employment and an integrated, self-determined life experience.

Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapists are health care professionals who help people develop, resume or maintain participation in a variety of tasks. The clinicians at Britteny Asher Consulting use their expertise to identify and eliminate potential barriers within the following areas to support and ensure successful community based employment.

Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Direct assessment and on-site professional services to individuals and employment team members (Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, job developer, job coach) as well as natural supports (parents, coworkers, educational staff, Personal Support Workers) to promote and strengthening skills and strategies for community-based employment.

Small and Large Group Trainings
Our clinicians are experienced trainers at the local, state and national level and Certified Community Trainers in Washington State. We offer a host of small and large group training opportunities relevant to your team’s understanding and success in supporting individuals who experience complex receptive and/or expressive communication challenges. Our topics are relevant to family members, PSWs, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors, Job Developers and Job Coaches.