Speech-Language Pathology

Speech-Language Pathology Overview

Speech-Language Pathologist are healthcare professionals that work to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social communication, cognitive-communication, and swallowing disorders. The clinicians at Britteny Asher Consulting use this expertise to identify and eliminate potential barriers to gaining and maintaining successful community based employment and an integrated, self-determined life experience.


  • Functional Communication Assessment, a comprehensive assessment to identify receptive and expressive communication skills and potential barriers for employment based performance, along with potential accommodations and support needs. Assessment results are provided to the individual, or team when appropriate, in a detailed, adult and employment focused written report of findings and recommendations for clinical interventions to teach and develop skills and strategies, as well as outline modifications and/or accommodations to support  positive outcomes and allow an individual to actively participate as well as express and share their preferences, interests and needs within the employment journey.
  • Assistive Technology (AT) Evaluation to assess an individual’s use assistive technology to successfully participate within all environments, including Augmentative -Alternative Communication (AAC) Evaluation to enable individuals who do not use speech to communicate to effectively communicate across all environments and with familiar and unfamiliar communication partners, including Transition Program staff, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors, Job Developers and Job Coaches, supervisors, coworkers, employers and community members.


Direct and Consultation Services

Our clinicians perform Speech-Language Pathology Evaluations and services that address the following areas:

  • Functional Communication: comprehensive assessment of an individual’s receptive and expressive communication skills to identify and support successful communication and active engagement in the employment journey by targeting skills and potential barriers in using and responding to information, engaging in appropriate verbal communication and social skills, developing an understanding the perspective of others and skills in decision making and problem solving, as well as organization, predicting, planning and completing activities.
  • Assistive Technology (AT) to assess and provide services in the development and implementation of Assistive Technology (AT) to support access to the environment, or provide accommodations to gaining and using information and or their communication supports as well as Augmentative-Alternative Communication (AAC) to enable individuals who do not use speech to communicate to effectively communicate across all environments and with familiar and unfamiliar communication partners, including all members of the employment team and community members.
  • Training and Education We provide education and training for all stakeholders (i.e., family members, employees and coworkers, educational staff, Job Developers and Job Coach, Personal Support Workers (PSW) and Direct Support Professionals (DSP)) to promote an individual’s independence and communication in the workplace and across settings.
  • Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) for High School or Community Transition Program students, we welcome the opportunity to collaborate with districts to provide a robust assessment specific to an individual’s needs for their future as adults in the workplace.