When to refer


Referrals can be made any time; however, we suggest getting our clinicians involved BEFORE the transition into adult life and services, including applying for Vocational Rehabilitation, to support and provide the individual and their often new team members critical knowledge regarding their strengths, needs and barriers.

For services to begin through Vocational Rehabilitation, your Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor will contact us directly to make the referral. Once services are established, we can offer support for planning and eligibility as well as identify critical individualized, person centered supports required for an individual to successfully participate in Vocational Rehbailitation services.


We have found it is most useful to use our clinical knowledge and skills in the following situations:

  • When concerns are identified prior to or during your initial Intake
  • To support an individual in actively participating in any part of the VR Process, including Discovery and the identification and development of an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE), job search/development, interviewing and maintaining and/or expanding employment opportunities.
  • Employment Team Members require development or refinement of their skills in supporting an individual to achieve their highest potential within a work
  • When an individual loses their job because of skill


How to Get Started:

If you feel you or someone you know would benefit from an evaluation to learn more about their strengths and potential barriers for employment, contact your Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC) to discuss your concerns. If your VRC would like to learn more about our services or discuss specific ideas regarding our services, we offer a free 15 minute Meet and Greet.